Draw your “dream raplapla” and send us your work by mail (or drop off your drawing at the store) before April 30.
69 rue Villeneuve West
Montreal, QC, H2T 2R4
Download the entry form HERE to draw your drawing and give us your contact details. If you make several drawings only one will be in play (but we will be delighted to admire the others!)
To participate, we must receive your drawing. If you live very far away, also send us an email to confirm that you have mailed your drawings.
At the beginning of May, we will draw lots from among the works received. The chosen drawings will see the light of day in the form of raplapla.
We will sew 3 of each, one of them will be given to the winner, another will be put on sale and the last one... we will keep it!
Anyone can send us a drawing, but the draw will be between works created by children or teenagers.
On the other hand, all the drawings will be exhibited in our window the last week of April.